The Walton Performing Arts Center at Marion High School will host the Indiana Bandmasters Association All-Region Honor Band this weekend.
This honor band features select students from around the region in grades seven through nine, including eight musicians from Marion Community Schools:
After weeks of practice on their own, on Nov. 11 the young musicians will gather to rehearse together for the first time. Then, on Sunday, Nov. 12, they will present a free public performance at 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 12 on the main stage at the Walton Performing Arts Center at Marion High School, 750 W. 26th St.
Congratulations to these outstanding Marion students and all of the region's talented, hard-working students on this great accomplishment! The All-Region Honor Band is a great opportunity, and will give them a chance to learn and grow as musicians. We hope you will consider joining us to support them and enjoy their performance.